Reap the benefits of walking the golf course with an MGI electric golf cart

Reap the benefits of walking the golf course with an MGI electric golf cart

Golf is one of the most popular sports across the world and it’s easy to see why. Played out in the fresh air, it’s a low-impact sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, genders and abilities. A social game that combines skill and strategy, there’s also numerous health benefits associated with it, if you opt for walking the course over using a ride on golf cart. Through innovative technology and superior design, MGI has revolutionized the concept of electric golf caddies. Let’s explore some very clear benefits of walking the course with an MGI Golf electric golf caddy instead of choosing a ride on golf cart. 

Firstly, by walking the course you burn almost twice as many calories as you would by riding in a golf cart over 18 holes. Also, by walking, you are more in tune with the course, it’s condition, the weather and yardages which can help lead to better scoring opportunities. Walking the course gives you a chance to interact with all of your playing partners and it can also allow you to better experience the natural beauty of the course from tee to green, whether it’s Links, Parkland or Desert. 

The benefits of walking are not only just for the golfer, walking also supports the golf course and the surrounding environment as well. A walking golfer has less impact on the turf compared to a ride on golf cart, which is evident any time you play in the rain or early morning, as you can see where golf carts have ripped up swaths of grass and left deep tracks that will take groundkeepers weeks to mend. Transitioning to a mindset of walking is not always an easy task however the MGI Golf electric golf caddy range delivers advanced technology to help enhance your experience out on the course. Powered by click & go lithium batteries, the Zip Series electric caddy offer does all the heavy lifting and allows golfers to reserve energy for their shots.

If a course is walking only, then there is the additional advantage of saving costs on building and maintaining cart-specific paths, and it also improves the aesthetics of the course.

Golf cart paths are little more than long scars on the landscape that disturb natural sightlines and produce artificial and manufactured complications for the course. Often constructed from gravel or stone, the cart-specific paths often appear unnatural to the surrounding environment. A course free of golf cart only paths is a blank canvas for you to construct your round. 

Many contend that the costs of building and maintaining cart paths are outweighed by the revenue that is generated from golf cart rentals. However, golf courses have a huge opportunity in front of them to benefit from a movement towards walking only golf courses.

Carts bring in revenue, but the turf, cart path and golf cart maintenance costs erode that benefit to a point where it would be advantageous for courses to rent motorized electric caddies such as the game-changing industry leading MGI Zip Series out to members. 

MGI Golf currently boasts a large range of electric golf carts available in mainland USA. From the whisper quiet Zip X1 electric caddy to the flagship remote control Zip Navigator, our electric golf carts are the best purchase to help improve your game.

Electric golf caddies are cheaper to purchase outright or lease and maintain than carts, which is great for golf course health, while also providing golfers with a means of walking 18 holes without having to carry his or her bag and ultimately improving their own fitness. 

Using an MGI Golf electric caddy is much better for the individual, the course and the environment. Want to find out more? Get in touch with us online now

The Benefits of Using a Remote Control Golf Caddy Golf Energy: The benefits of walking with an Electric Golf Caddy